A Zero Waste Life
Product Description:
The question about whether plastic is always bad or not is starting to be asked around the world. Many areas of the world are banning plastic in many forms, especially single-use plastic, plastic bags, straws, and plastic that tends to go straight to landfills almost immediately after use. But are there times that plastic is okay? Or is plastic always bad?
Recycling Doesn’t Help (Much)
One problem is that many people think that all plastic can be recycled. Sadly, most of the plastic you put in the recycle bin cannot be recycled. In fact, less than 10 percent of plastic gets recycled. Therefore, most of it is winding up in landfills, even when you dutifully put your plastic in the bins.
The Main Problem Is Single-Use Plastic
Any type of plastic that is considered a single-use plastic is usually of low quality and not even made well enough to use in recycling. That includes a lot of the plastic bottles that you drink water and soda from. When plastic is recycled, it becomes lower quality and cannot be used for much since it’s considered contaminated.
Learn so much more in this ebook to pave the way toward a zero waste life!
This product includes Private Label Rights!
The ebook is online for Windows and Mac users, and can also be downloaded to iPads and Android tablets.